Thursday, May 5, 2011

Soi LK Metro

Well, an absence of 'news' is the reason for fewer posts at present. Pattaya, in general, is quiet in keeping with this time of the year. Some streets and bars are doing OK while those that never seem to work - are still struggling. Listening to guests at the bar, girls seem to still 'think of a number' when the question 'how much' comes up! On the other hand there are still quite a number of regular guests in town who know the ropes.

Submarine, Mash and Kiss, the newer of the go-go bars seem to be 'getting there' albeit somewhat slowly. Reactions, unsurprisingly, are varied running from good to useless, depending on who you are talking to. The jury is out in terms of which and to what extent will they weather the arid summer.

Several places on the street are trying to compete with Cheap Charlie Alley offering 'All beers or local beers' at prices barely above the 7-11 price. While this is 'good' for the punter in reality it means that a particular establishment is getting closer to changing hands again. The customer can not be blamed, it is the 'owner' who needs to re-do his sums. At any rate even in these hallowed venues the number of punters is decreasing in line with the pesky exchange rate. Indeed, on that note, newspaper reports this week stated that inflation was now 4% plus in Thailand and that the government would have little option but to increase interest rates to curb money supply to keep inflation within target. The inevitable consequence of this is of course that the Baht will at least for a time strengthen against other currencies. Not good news for the punter not the bar owner.

Intentions still are to turn the street into a one-way soi which I think would alleviate some traffic problems. As for having a traffic curfew from 6pm - 2am I do not know how this is going to be done successfully. One of the biggest problems is, believe it or not, the food vendors! On one occasion I have managed to count 15 food carts between Soi Boukhao and the corner by the Billabong and Kilkenny! I didn't even want to check how many were around the corner heading towards Soi Diana!

In Metro, we continue to bobble along in our usual fashion. Currently we have some staff on 'sabbatical' and others taken off our hands for ever for distant lands or up-country Thailand. We continue to be able to employ new staff with, as always, a genuinely pleasant smile and willingness to make your visit enjoyable.

As is always the case, there are some new customers enjoying their stay at Metro for the first time. Our thanks to previous guests for continuing to recommend us as a good place to stay. While commercial advertising outlets can be beneficial, there is nothing to beat word of mouth when it comes to establishing and keeping a reputation. Thanks to all.

Currently we have added to our sports line-up and quality of offering. While we have no control over broadcaster content we do our best to get what's available - somewhere! To this end we have now begun preparing a sports schedule for the bar on approximately a weekly basis. Anyone who wants a copy emailed to them need only tell us.

Over the last few weeks we have seen some old friends and are expecting some others to return in the next few weeks. You know who you are!

On the issue of vacancies at Metro which we sometimes get asked to write here about: May is pretty much 'full' except for a few days here and there. June: we still have 2 x standard from 4th with 2-3 weeks availability. So.... tell your friends!

As for food outlets: The Jolly Friar in Soi Lengkee as well as a newly opened 'China House' (I think 'House') continue to get good reports. There are also two new mobile BBQ carts selling skewers of Chicken Tikka, Chicken Mexicana, Beef, Lamb (although always not available!) and a few other skewers. While BBQ (the name) is pricier than the usual carts, their skewers are much bigger and definitely very tasty. The old burger bar at the top of the street has opened again and they do have lamb kebabs as well as other things on offer.

Well, that's about it for my rambling on for now. As and when I will keep you posted! There will be a few jokes and the Sports Schedule of course. For those on their way here, remember, 17th May is a Buddha holiday and will be 'dry'. Bye for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallo Dennis,

ich denke, dass es eine gute Idee ist die noch freien Zimmer hier zu veröffentlichen. Die Jungs aus dem Forum werde ich darauf aufmerksam machen.

Viele Grüße



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